Friday, 3 January 2020


New Year comes up with resolutions, parties, promises, surprises and gifts for all. Some believe this day to be special due to its freshness of an emerging opportunities, some believe this day to bring about a change in life, some believe this day to mend all troubles and fill that void which oneself had been incapable of. A few pessimist still survive who believes it to be "just another day" or "a mere change of calender". 

I hope this day brings joy in life of the one reading my post. I hope this year brings a mixture of episode of all varieties. A year must be full of flaunts and flaws. It is a moment to enjoy and dance, celebrate and play, make resolutions and be adamant to it for atleast a few weeks. Sending messages to one and all of your near and dear ones wishing them with joy and loving their success. May this year bring smile on every occasion, may this year be a twist of fortune in all good terms and add multiple experience to you. Happy New Year.